Core Breeding BrAPI

CB BrAPI is a Core Breeding (CB) RESTful API engineered in accordance with the BrAPI (Breeding API) standards.

insert_drive_file   View CB BrAPI Documentation insert_drive_file  TO SWAGGER DOCS

Authentication Guide

A user must be authenticated to utilize the CB BrAPI. To get your access token, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Core Breeding BrAPI login page.
  2. Sign in using your organization's credentials.
  3. After logging in, you will see a JSON response containing the access token:

     "@context" : [..],
     "metadata" : {..},
     "result" : {
      "data" : {
       "token" : "XXXX"

Our documentation is interactive.

We used to document our API to make it easier on your part to test and understand our API.